Four Decisions Workshop – Scaling Up Introduction

Scaling Up / Four Decisions Workshop (Two-Day Training)

Over this two-day training, our Gazelles certified coach helps your team understand the Scaling Up Business Operating System and the Four Decisions framework. You will complete the one-page strategic plan for your entire organization.

This overview helps your team work through core concepts of Scaling Up / The Rockefeller Habits. Solidify your core values, define your core purpose, and core customer. Using the Four Decisions framework, we help you create a 3-5 year plan that includes your company’s BHAG (Big, Hairy Audacious Goal) and major initiatives, a 1 year plan complete with annual priorities, a quarterly strategy complete with top priorities and KPIs to measure progress.

You will also learn how to set accountabilities for your entire company, run an effective meeting rhythm that keeps you pacing toward goals, and develop a KPI-driven quarterly theme to drive execution. This will help you:

  • Develop a consistent planning framework
  • Use core values for decision-making, hiring
  • Focus marketing efforts around core customers
  • Formalize an execution rhythm
  • Develop companywide accountabilities

Schedule a no-risk discovery meeting to learn what Tenfold Advisors can do for you.